Respect. What is respect?
Respect denotes both a positive feeling of esteem for a person or other entity (such as a nation or a religion), and also specific actions and conduct representative of that esteem. Respect can be a specific feeling of regard for the actual qualities of the one respected. (from Wikipedia)
Due to certain circumstances I've been thinking about this subject.
I'm talking about respect within Graffiti society.
Some writers in NZ keep reminding me that there are significant differences between the place where I came from and where I live now. Why I do know unspoken rules of Graffiti regarding respect and some not? Why do I respect others and some do not?
I'd love to find those answers in my biography.
I came from the small russian town, counting about 100 active writes today. Back at the early days, when I just started that number was ofcoarse smaller. Graffiti culture was born in late 90's and had grown significantly in early 2000's. Young movement of brave artists who swoped pens to cans started to master the art of Graffiti. Most of them were teenagers or young adults. As time passed more and more people get involved.
In 2005-2006 I got interested in all new and exciting form of art. I was alone, none of my friends were into it. One day I found graffiti online forum dedicated to my city. Thats where my education began. I've learned that I am not the only rookie in town. I came up with own division of graffiti scene in my city. I see it as "generations". Each generation has people that started painting in the same time. There were a few before me and novadays - one after me.
The forum was a great thing for everyone, it kept us in contacts, older writers tought young ones about essential moment of our bussines, gave comments to each other, etc. Those who came before me were mighty-mega-awesome-post-humans ( almost gods to me ). I listen, read and absorbed everything I could. I had 100 scetches before each wall I painted. That was the right way. Time passed, I got to know people, many people. All of sudden I found my self in a middle of boiling stew of writers. Young, creative and adventurous.
All of us new those rules - "Respect the ones that came before you, respect each other, respect architecture".
I was never into bombing, exept.. well except a couple of ocasions. Therefore all the crazy action passed me by while I was peacefully painting legal walls. I do understand Bombing fenomen, its just logic and precaution are always stops me. (.. well exept those few times that I mentioned earlier ).
2008, there I was, young writer, that had a few years behind him, known his city, still shaping his style. By that point I already did not see a point of those "mini street wars" that every citisen had to see everyday.
Just a note here - its very hard to tell about what I felt a few years ago, because my present feelings alarm in my head, making my writing bios. I am doing my best to recall everything as it was. I shall continue.
That infamous forum survived and at some point I was a moderator there. That was a time of a new generation. It was a perfect opportunity to influence them in a right way, to pass the knowledge and be part of shaping graffiti scene of my town. I always took it seriously, and as I see now my efforts were not meaningless.
I tried to be an example for kids. And after 1000 repetitions of rules of respect they have really became part of my identity as a writer.
Presently, I follow simple rules. I always look for a fresh, untouched wall. I do not paint over a person whose piece is good. If worked is covered with tags and unreadable than I may go over it. and so on. I try to strictly follow my own rules.
So that is me, and I thought I am decent writer until I met Italo aka Holie. He is a writer from Brasil and his view on respect are like mine but twice as more noble.
Back to NZ. I do not really know how to describe local scene, it is different. They have different, unique history that affect every writer here.
Therefore I might be completely wrong in my judgments or assumptions.
Anyway. All pros are alright, they are mature and wise. I believe most of them will share my points of view.
However younger writers are a bit of a worry. Painting over someone without an acknowledgment is a norm for some. Simple politeness is absent. etc.
Maybe I am bios because I judge them basing only on my own experience? well... maybe.
When 3 hours ago I sat down to write this post I wanted to express all the hatred that I feel towards some individuals. However, sitting down and writing things down helps sort out your thoughts and kind of double checks them.
I guess I was emotionally disturbed but now I understand that I might make things look uglier that they are.
Bottom line of all that is written above?
I wish I knew. I guess it was necessary to get rid of these thoughts and store them here.
one flick from past