14 Mar 2010

...ways to spend money rather than buying a wideangle lense.
Still, I want it a lot.
Isn't it awesome?

right - done in May 2009 took me 8 hours to complete.
left - done in August 2009, took me 2 days to complete.
middle - done in March 2010. completed in 4 hours.
... pieces of debris were in my eyes yesterday, while painting.

First of all would like to thank Ben Saves, for getting me involved in whole lotta things lately.
Glad that I know him.
There were a skate comp and graffiti demo at brownsbay shore yesterday. I was invited and let to paint. Along with 2tone and Berst we did three pannels each. Nothing really serious, still was excited to paint with them.
I've noticed that I have not painted without anyone rushing me this year. Not happy about it.
However, I in some ways depend on people who I paint with.
I wish I knew Auckland better, I wish I knew more people.
But most of all I wish to be able to work around all the aportunities that I come across.

5 Mar 2010

...has happened to me since the last post here.

So lets keep up with stuff.
Expirienced Parachute 2010, heaps of photos, lots of good ones.
Great music, great people, awesome atmosphere. We did a wall for World Vision, was cool to paint with crowd behind, it have been a while.
I would love to go there next year.

I've done 3 more art works. Track, trackside wall and a mural on my favorite wall.
Its always a pleasure to paint with Saves + new expirience of paint on track.
Inspite all the awesomeness it was bloody hard to paint on that surface.
Rushing as usial, luck of paint reflected the outcome. Overall - the work is fine, for a track.
My first letters in a year time. Semi happy. Pure improvisation exept letters outline.
I've spent 7 long hours on that on. Was finishing alone in a darkness.
Oh yeah, that mural is done with my mates from Germany Gritt and David and the guy from LA Gerrit. We were accomplished by kiwi writer Insane. Nice quite spot.
My last mural, fresh and sound. really happy with my progress.
I've maneged to finish this one in 4 hours. The wall painted with same guys.
Step up.

thats all for tonight boys and girls.
more stuff coming up soon.